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Antenna Workspaces

A Fresh Approach to Work

Designed by Antenna Design

Designed with the energy of both the individual and team in mind, Antenna Workspaces® supports the freedom and mobility people seek in today’s workplace.

Antenna Design’s imaginative user-centered approach to the workplace celebrates functional simplicity with honest materials and seamless technology integration.

Broad planning capabilities, including a range of spine-based planning opportunities, live up to today’s standard for flexible, inclusive spaces that accommodate multiple work modes.


Antenna Benching solutions feature an integrated support structure combining spine and desk archetypes that

create collaborative open-plan work settings for groups of any size from the simplest to the most complex needs.

 Ideal for private spaces and meeting areas as well, Antenna Workspaces offers

the most comprehensive benching solutions from fixed to adjustable height scales.

Antenna Big Table

Antenna Workspaces celebrates the Big Table — adaptable, collaborative furniture for individual workspaces, touch-down spaces and meeting areas. 

The compact Big Table center beam supports screens, cantilever shelves, storage cabinets, power components and monitor arms,

transforming a meeting table into a cluster of individual work areas, and back again.

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